"Freeze-thaw battery" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Onur Binay on Unsplash

"Freeze-thaw battery" = pin rã đông -> nghĩa là loại pin có thể đóng băng điện ở trong để cất giữ lâu dài, khi nào cần dùng thì sẽ rã đông.

Ví dụ
“What is so attractive about the freeze-thaw battery is that seasonal shifting (thay đổi) capability (khả năng),” says Rob Roys, chief innovation officer at Launch Alaska, a nonprofit organization that works to accelerate the deployment of climate technologies in the state. 

The development of the "freeze-thaw battery," which freezes its energy for use later, is a step toward batteries that can be used for seasonal (theo mùa) storage: saving energy in one season, such as the spring, and spending it in another, like autumn.

A fast discharge rate, like that of batteries in most cars or laptops, would hamper (cản trở) a grid battery designed to store energy for months. Notably, the PNNL freeze-thaw battery has retained 92 percent of its capacity over 12 weeks.

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