"Summer complaint" nghĩa là gì?

"Summer complaint" = căn bệnh mùa hè -> nghĩa là các bệnh về đường tiêu hóa mà trẻ em hay mắc vào mùa hè, nhất là ngộ độc thực phẩm, bệnh tả hay tiêu chảy.

Ví dụ
The young couple began their life together and their first child, Walter Francis, was born and died of “summer complaint” at 15 months, giving them much sorrow (đau buồn).  They moved to Springville, where Sara Elizabeth was born.

Summer complaint killed nearly 300 Cincinnati children in the last half of the 1800s. The disease manifested (rõ ràng) as acute diarrhea, usually caused by unhygienic conditions, especially food contamination (ô nhiễm).

A common summer complaint from car owners is that their car's air conditioner takes too long to cool down the cabin. Irrespective of (bất chấp) how powerful your AC unit is, it takes time due to all the heat trapped in the car, especially when parked under direct sunlight.

“Cut fruits been kept outside are being consumed. In the last 15 days, we have treated (điều trị) about 30 such cases,” says Dr Sandeep M S, senior consultant (gastroenterologist), Apollo Hospital. Mild gastroenteritis (viêm dạ dày ruột) symptoms (triệu chứng) have come up. Another summer complaint is constipation (táo bón). 

Ngọc Lân

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