"Riot grrrl" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Ilya Mirnyy on Unsplash

"Riot grrrl" có riot là nổi loạn -> từ này nghĩa là hoạt động văn hóa kết hợp giữa nữ quyền, nhạc punk và chính trị.

Ví dụ
Olympia found itself on the feminist map in the 1990s when it gave birth to Riot Grrrl, a cultural and political movement started by women fed up (chán nản) with sexism (phân biệt giới tính) in the punk music scene.

The Riot Grrrl movement had its origins in Olympia. Although it was a small city (the 1990 census (điều tra dân số) reported just under 34,000 residents), the state capital was known for its thriving (lớn mạnh) artistic scene, enhanced by its proximity to the free-thinking, left-leaning academic community at The Evergreen State College.

Founded as a punk band, the quartet’s (bộ tứ) sound inherits (thừa hưởng) the dynamic delivery of the riot grrrl band’s feminist lyrics, coupling them with modern pop-punk guitar riffs and anthemic (ca dao) choruses. 

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