"A holy stink" nghĩa là gì?

"A holy stink" -> nghĩa là cơn hỗn loạn, mớ hỗn độn. 

Ví dụ
Anger has always been with us. Serfs were derisive (chế nhạo) of those who owned the castles. Students decried (gièm pha) the Vietnam War, Upton Sinclair raised a holy stink over the meat-packing industry and William Jennings Bryan was fit to be tied over the gold standard.

The Conservative raised a holy stink about Tom Mulcair being a dual citizen; (công dân) of the United States. 

Sorry all you spoilt none cruise industry workers that seem to have no idea where your wages come from, and are making such a holy stink against it, wake up those cruise passengers pays for a lot of what happens on this island in custom fees docking (cho tàu vào cảng) fees and indirect incomes to companies that do business on the island that had the island not been receiving those fees, things would have been even more expensive around here.

Ngọc Lân

Tags: ngoclanword

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