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bác sĩ ở florida nhầm hai đầu của ruột kết khiến bệnh nhân ko đánh rắm, ko ị được... :D

Zenoni’s Oct. 8, 2020 operation would be a “diverting colostomy procedure that would divert the fecal steam and allow the sacral wound to heal.”

But, the complaint says, “during the procedure, [Zenoni] inadvertently (tình cờ, không cố ý) diverted (làm trệch đi, làm trệch hướng) the wrong end of Patient M.W.’s colon. [Zenoni] diverted the distal (ở xa điểm giữa, ngoại biên) end of the colon, the downstream end, when he should have diverted the proximal (ở đầu gần) end, the upstream end of the colon.”

This mistake, the complaint said, meant M.W. “failed to pass gas, failed to have bowel movements and became distended (làm sưng to, sưng phồng.”

CT imaging revealed the problem 12 days after the original operation (phẫu thuật).

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