"Anti-procrastination café" nghĩa là gì?

"Anti-procrastination café" = quán cà phê chống chần chừ -> nghĩa là quán cafe dành cho người phải chạy deadline, trong đó nhân viên liên tục kiểm tra và không cho khách ra về nếu chưa xong việc.

Ví dụ
I have a confession (lời thú nhận) to make: I’ve never had a healthy relationship with deadlines. I never managed to kick the bad habits I picked up as a student, which have left me with perpetually (liên tiếp) dark circles under my eyes from frenetic (điên cuồng), caffeine-induced all-nighters, so you can imagine how intrigued I was by the so-called anti-procrastination café in Koenji.

Inside the 'anti-procrastination' café where staff check on you every HOUR to make sure you get work done (and you can't leave until you do).

The self-declared “anti-procrastination café” only accepts customers who are struggling (gặp khó khăn) to write. People self-identify, but they also fill out a form with the details about the deadline they hope to meet. There is no barista (người pha chế), tea, or food. But they are welcome to bring in their own food or drink, and there’s a convenience store across the street, according to Takuya Kawai, who launched the café in April.

When you read the rules on the website, they seem quite rigid (cứng nhắc), but Kawai’s anti-procrastination strategy (chiến thuật) is actually far more nurturing. “During the check-in, I ask people how much they have completed, which the guest usually replies with half or one-third, and I reward them with candy or sweets.”

Ngọc Lân
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