"Gentleman's pact" nghĩa là gì?

"Gentleman's pact" = hiệp ước của các quý ông -> nghĩa là thỏa thuận, hiệp ước không ràng buộc về pháp lý giữa hai bên, thực hiện qua lời nói hay hiểu ngầm.

Ví dụ
Real Madrid and Barcelona have not exchanged (trao đổi) players since 2007. After Javier Saviola moved from Catalunya to Madrid, there has been no movement between the teams and both have established (thành lập) a sort of gentleman’s pact to not disrupt the order.

This question, although academic, has a certain purity (thuần khiết) and simplicity to it. The answer is uncomplicated, comparable, and absolute. It stirs the mind and establishes the subject’s place in an irrefutable (không thể bác bỏ) hierarchy (cấp bậc). This simple pecking order saw frenzied action at the turn of the 21st century. Faster and ever faster the motorcycles got, and then just as the madness looked likely to get out of hand, a gentleman’s pact between the European and Japanese motorcycle crafters brought the speed war to an end.

The controversial (gây tranh cãi) move put an end to the gentleman’s pact between the clubs, Hernandez becoming the first player to cross the divide since now-manager Santiago Solari’s move from Atletico in 2000.

Ngọc Lân

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