"A lazy Susan" nghĩa là gì?

"A lazy Susan" = Suzan lười biếng -> nghĩa là bàn, mâm xoay thường thấy trong các buổi tiệc, cỗ giúp người ăn dễ lấy đồ ăn hơn. 

Ví dụ
At its core, a Lazy Susan is just a circular cutting board (bàn ăn) on top of a smaller circular cutting board with turntable hardware sandwiched (kẹp giữa) in between. The end result looks impressive, but don’t be intimidated—it’s a project anyone with moderate woodworking skill can handle.

Whatever your personal aesthetic (gu thẩm mỹ), you can find a way to make a Lazy Susan that feels unique to you or to the person you’re making it for.

A Lazy Susan, or turntable, can be a stylish and functional (đa năng) addition to your dining room or kitchen. Just imagine sitting down to a hearty holiday meal where everyone can access (tiếp cận) every dish (món ăn) without uncomfortable reaching or asking someone else to set down their fork and pass the potatoes.

This assortment (mặt hàng sắp xếp thành loại) also offers a Lazy Susan that spins effortlessly for easy access to all of the holiday goodies. Free shipping!

Ngọc Lân

Tags: ngoclanword

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