"Piss test" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by GRAS GRÜN on Unsplash

"Piss test" -> nghĩa là bài xét nghiệm ma túy thông qua nước tiểu.

Ví dụ
Balls Mahoney was on drugs and that didn't help me at all. So, once he took that piss test, it was over. It was like done. And I said to myself, 'well, there goes the program. There goes my push and I'm done.

It was by far the worst job of my life, particularly (cụ thể) the night of the armed (có vũ trang) robbery (vụ trộm) when I damn-near lost my life. All because I couldn’t pass a piss test for weed. 

“I’m pretty high (phê pha) right now,” said Owens. “I just walked toward the street and had a smoke. Most jobs I get, I make sure I don’t have to take a piss test.

I did a piss test. I’m closing the first bottle up. It’s like a twist cap, so I’m twisting the cap, I put it inside of the plastic bag, and I see blood … blood in this bag, and I look at my hand, and I gashed (rạch) my thumb on the USADA drug test.

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