"Deduct box" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Jason Dent on Unsplash

"Deduct box" = hộp khấu trừ -> nghĩa là chiếc hộp được Thống đốc huyền thoại bang Louisiana, ông Huey Long giữ khoản khấu trừ từ lương của nhân viên để đổ vào hoạt động chính trị cá nhân.

Ví dụ
Now, use your imagination (trí tưởng tượng) as to what that jail cell was used for because I don’t certainly know but why would you have a jail cell inside this enormous (to lớn) vault that was the ‘deduct box’ that you would pay your duty into if you were a state employee.

“The story goes that if you were a state employee that you had to pay money into the ‘deduct box’ in order to be a state employee, well, the ‘deduct box’ from what we understand was actually the vault that is right beyond me right now,” says General Manager Tod Chambers.

But some believe there is a reason Grosjean may have been perfectly content with (bằng lòng) remaining out of the limelight in the aftermath of the Kingfish’s assassination, though, like many parts of the mythology about Huey P. Long, it remains impossible to know for certain. Grosjean, the story goes, became the sole possessor (người sở hữu) of the infamous deduct box. \

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