"Eco-anxiety" nghĩa là gì?

"Eco-anxiety" -> nghĩa là trạng thái căng thẳng gây ra bởi mối quan tâm về môi trường trái đất.

Ví dụ
BBC wildlife presenter Liz Bonnin has said working on nature shows gives her 'eco anxiety' due to their massive carbon footprints as Netflix and Disney + announced a raft of new documentaries.

If the climate crisis is impacting your mental health, it could be beneficial to seek out a professional with experience treating eco-anxiety. The Climate Psychology Alliance’s website has several resources for individuals looking for support and an online directory of climate-aware therapists (nhà trị liệu). Greenspun, who trains other mental health professionals on climate-informed practices, said climate-aware therapists understand and have experience helping people work through the mental impacts of climate change and transform those emotions “into something more useful and sustainable.”

Climate change (biến đổi thời tiết) affects not only temperatures and weather, but also our state of mind: it’s so overwhelming that it can make us feel helpless, weak and unable to focus our energies on positive and useful behaviors. Or it can make us believe that everything we do is bad for the environment, enveloping us in a sense of negativity. This feeling is like a mental barrier that ends up preventing us from acting on the climate crisis (khủng hoảng). It is a condition known as eco-anxiety and it can lead to emotional stress and other manifestations (sự biểu thị, hiện hình) of discomfort. Some people end up feeling a sense of guilt, or even shame, when extreme climatic events occur or there are tangible effects on the environment, even in places far from us.

Ka Tina

Tags: katinaword

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