"Nature versus nurture" nghĩa là gì?

"Nature versus nurture" = bẩm sinh so với nuôi dưỡng -> nghĩa là tranh luận về di truyền, bản năng bẩm sinh hay môi trường ảnh hưởng nhiều hơn tới sự phát triển thể chất và tinh thần của con người.

Ví dụ
The project was called Wurzelwerk, which means work of the roots (gốc rễ), and it was their attempt to understand the influence of their terroirs versus the winemaking, or nature versus nurture.

It’s a nature versus nurture argument. Are we creating an anxiety-inducing environment for him daily? I know he can tell when something’s up when my husband and I are doing more nail biting than usual. Or is it just in the cards for him because my husband and I both have anxiety and he is predisposed (có khả năng mắc)? Here's what experts told me.

These findings shed more light on the age-old nature versus nurture debates regarding whether adolescents (thanh thiếu niên) take more risks due to biological predispositions or environmental influences.

You’ve probably heard of nature versus nurture: the centuries-long scientific debate over which parts of our identities are influenced by genetics, experiences, or some combination.

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