"Slow-walk" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Cody Black

"Slow-walk" = đi chậm -> nghĩa là cố tình trì hoãn/cản trở tiến trình.

Ví dụ
But despite the international praise for the deal including from western nations and regional powers, many at home are wary (thận trọng, cảnh giác) of contentious (hay sinh sự, cãi nhau) items not addressed in the agreement that may be used by the military to slow-walk or even derail implementation (làm trật/cản trở sự thi hành).

Veteran actor and director Mel Gibson has continued a slow walk back to Hollywood over the past decade following a number of controversies (cuộc tranh luận, bàn tán) that involved racist, antisemitic (bài Do Thái) and sexist comments, which have marred his career since the mid-2000s.

That last comment was aimed at me and my ankle (mắt cá chân) after a traumatic (gây chấn thương) injury in May. I’m limited to a relatively slow walk these days, so that’s what I’ve been doing on the way to work. It’s something I enjoy doing, and we’ve turned it into some on-air fun. "It almost excites me a little bit to think about these things." He's excited because he’s encouraging me to see my slow steps to recovery in positive terms. For Ballenger, that’s key. Your goals are for you…stop comparing yourself to others.

Ka Tina

Tags: katinaword

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