"Gandy dancer" nghĩa là gì?

"Gandy dancer" -> nghĩa là công nhân bảo trì đường sắt.

Ví dụ
As a writer of books—a trade that, in the modern world, seems to be going the way of the blacksmith (thợ rèn), the lamplighter, the gandy dancer (the what, you say? Exactly)—I have a fascination with defunct (quá cố) jobs of bygone eras.

After graduating (tốt nghiệp) from Utica High School in 1947, he studied one year at Bethany College in Lindsborg, KS, then returned to Utica to work full-time as a “gandy dancer” on the railroad.

Working as a "gandy dancer" during college made him appreciate (hiểu rõ giá trị) the hard labor that Asian road and railroad workers contributed (cống hiến). In addition to being on the Heritage Committee of the Asian Celebration, Steve serves on the boards of the Cottage Grove Historical Society and the Singing Creek Educational Center. 

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