Destigmatizing nghĩa là gì?

Destigmatizing có stigma là vết nhơ -> từ này nghĩa là loại bỏ các định kiến, khái niệm tiêu cực. 

Ví dụ
In this video, Rachel Pope, MD, MPH, discusses the urologist’s (bác sĩ tiếu niệu) role in destigmatizing women’s sexual health. Pope is an associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology and director of Female Sexual Health at University Hospitals in Cleveland, Ohio.

I would like to see it normalized (bình thường hóa) and for us to really take the lead in destigmatizing it, because we're all adults and we should be able to give our patients that sort of information that's empowering as well.

The first handful (một ít) of years was destigmatizing mental health. But now, we’re really focused squarely on innovation.

In 2019, Cole formed The Mental Health Coalition, a group of mental health organizations, brands and leaders committed to igniting (khởi đầu) conversation, providing resources and destigmatizing the subject.

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