"Worldly desires" nghĩa là gì?

"Worldly desires" có worldly là trần tục -> từ này nghĩa là ham muốn của cải, vật chất, thú vui thể xác.

Ví dụ
Allah mentions (nhắc đến) in the Quran, “And follow not desire, lest it leads thee astray (chệch hướng) from the way of God.” (38:26) Allah is being direct with us, wanting us not to pollute (ô nhiễm) ourselves with worldly desires.

And if the divine message is to abandon (từ bỏ) worldly desires, it means that it is going to be a problem for us to allow ourselves to be caught up in these qualities (phẩm chất).

The divine messages that encourage (động viên) us to give up our worldly desires can be difficult to follow at times, but if we stick to them, they can help us achieve inner peace and contentment (mãn nguyện).

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