"Backwater valve" nghĩa là gì?

"Backwater valve" -> nghĩa là van ngăn nước chảy ngược về nguồn. 

Ví dụ
Hire a licensed (có chứng chỉ) plumber to install a backwater valve in your home; the plumber will obtain a plumbing permit to do the work. Do not cover the valve with carpet, flooring or other permanent fixtures before your inspection (kiểm tra).

A backwater valve, which prevents sewage (cống rãnh) from backing up into a home, is subsidized, up to a maximum of $1,250.

Homeowners must apply to City Hall for the subsidy and obtain a building permit for the backwater valve. The process can take several weeks, according to the city, which may be too late for some homeowners.

The backwater valve for wastewater without sewage is equipped with one mechanical flap (nắp) which closes automatically in the event of backwater and also serves as an emergency closure to be closed by hand.

Ngọc Lân

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