"Behavioral genetics" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by THAVIS 3D on Unsplash

"Behavioral genetics" -> nghĩa là lĩnh vực nghiên cứu về di truyền hành vi. 

Ví dụ
Finally, we discuss the troubled relationship between the field of behavioral genetics and eugenics (thuyết ưu sinh), which reminds us that we must be cautious (cảnh giác) about how we discuss and contextualize the connections between genes and behavior, especially in humans.

New sequencing technologies also opened an additional avenue (con đường) of study: genome-wide studies of behaviorally related gene expression. Behavioral transcriptomics differs from behavioral genetics in that it does not necessarily focus on inherited differences in behavior.

It was not until the mid-20th century that behavioral genetics reemerged as a respectable (đáng kính trọng) scientific field.

Behavioral genetics provides information on causal genes and alleles (gen tương ứng), whereas behavioral genomics can help identify mechanistic roles of these alleles through transcriptomic and GRN analyses; both approaches are necessary to gain a complete picture of how genes contribute to behavior.

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