"Coattail effect" nghĩa là gì?

"Coattail effect" = hiệu ứng đuôi áo -> nghĩa là hiện tượng danh tiếng của một ứng cử viên chính trị hay chính trị gia giúp tăng lượng phiếu bầu cho ứng cử viên cùng đảng. 

Ví dụ
The coattail effect in politics is the theory that the popularity (danh tiếng) of a candidate at the top of the ticket redounds (góp phần vào) to the benefit of those in the same party down ballot.

And as the chart below shows, the margins in presidential and House (Hạ viện) races do tend to move together. This alone doesn’t prove the existence of a coattail effect, but it does show how closely these votes are connected. 

James Campbell, a political scientist at SUNY Buffalo who has studied the presidential coattail effect in congressional races, found that in a typical presidential election year from 1868 to 1988, a party picked up an average of two to three House seats because of the coattail effect. 

The experts I spoke with were unsure of coattails’ precise effect because of other factors that can affect voting, like incumbency (nhiệm kỳ) or the state of the economy. For instance, some studies have found the coattail effect is notably stronger in open-seat contests where no incumbent is running for reelection.

Ngọc Lân

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