"A camel's nose" nghĩa là gì?

Về miền cát trắng. Photo by  Roxanne Desgagnés

"A camel's nose (under the tent)" = mũi lạc đà dưới cái lều -> nghĩa là phép ẩn dụ nói về một hành động nhỏ và có vẻ vô hại nhưng lại mở ra hoặc dẫn đến hành động trầm trọng hơn và có kết cục không như mong đợi.

Ví dụ
“It’s the ultimate backstab to literally say we’re coming to warn you of something that we’re investigating because we’re looking out for you and to be actually using that as a camel’s nose under the tent,” he said in an interview.

"User data has great value, and Facebook has been pretty mercenary (hám lợi) about how it collects and uses such data," Jude said. "Placing one of these portals in your home is like having a camel's nose in your tent. Once in place, there is virtually no way to guarantee privacy and safety."

Lest we forget, it has its antecedents (tiền đề) in the now-discredited charge the Trump 2016 presidential campaign colluded with Russian operatives on activities intended to alter the outcome of an election. No one has as yet proven those activities — largely the abuse of social media platforms to spread false memes favorable to Donald Trump or discrediting of Hillary Clinton to wide swaths (vùng được thám hiểm) of the electorate — changed a single vote. Yet the fact they occurred did provide enough of a camel’s nose inside the tent to spawn (xuất hiện, nảy ra) several official U.S. government investigations both before and after the election.

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