"Market forces" nghĩa là gì?

"Market forces" -> nghĩa là các yếu tố kinh tế quyết định giá cả, nhu cầu và mức cung hàng hóa; 'các tác nhân thị trường'.

Ví dụ
If the voluntary carbon credit market system cannot meet these challenges in a timely and cost effective manner, society as a whole loses. Over a decade of carbon removal (loại bỏ) attempts has shown that what is being done is not enough. Market forces need to be effectively employed in this fight to ensure a survivable, resilient future.

It includes technological, economic and business considerations, with analyses (phân tích) and forecasts provided for global markets. Included in the report are descriptions of market forces relevant to the PMI foam industry and their areas of application.

Following a rather volatile first month of trading in April, IFAD’s performance last month turned out to be much more robust (khỏe mạnh) and stable, proving that relying on market forces to set the forthcoming (sắp tới) OSPs does indeed work in the Middle East (if needed).

In other words, China is currently not choosing two of the three goals, but attaining the goal of controlling domestic (nội địa) interest rate while liberalising its capital account in a controllable fashion, and at the same time gradually allowing market forces to determine the exchange rate.

Ngọc Lân

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