"Quelle surprise" nghĩa là gì?

"Quelle surprise" -> nghĩa là 'bất ngờ quá!', 'thật bất ngờ', thường được dùng với ý mỉa mai. 

Ví dụ
So it turns out that on the day Boris said he definitely (rõ ràng) wasn’t at a party he was, in fact, at a party. Quelle surprise. The PM misled Parliament and didn’t obey the rules he set. The gun is still smoking.

It took until this January, even, to legally qualify (phê chuẩn) that “rent boy” — the insult historically thrown at Chelsea players — is, quelle surprise, loaded with homophobic intent.

I didn’t think we’d hear a Save Georgian Bay supporter mention the IESO again. And yet, there it was. One more time. In a Letter to the Editor April 28! Another reminder (lời nhắc) for us all that the IESO ran their numbers and tried – but failed – to halt another green energy initiative. In Meaford Ontario in this case. Quelle surprise.

Let me explain this opinion, then, let me sort of talk about why I think Justice Thomas really misses the thread — quelle surprise! And then finally, I want to talk about why is that footnote (lời chú thích cuối trang), footnote 41, of this opinion included?

Ngọc Lân
Tags: ngoclanword

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