"The legal wrinkle" nghĩa là gì?

"The legal wrinkle" = vết nhăn hợp pháp -> nghĩa là lỗ hổng, vùng xám, lỗi trong luật có thể bị lợi dụng để làm trái với mục tiêu dự định của luật; nghĩa khác là tiến triển hay ngụ ý pháp lý bất ngờ.

Ví dụ
But the city says the legal wrinkle should not delay (làm chậm trễ) plans to choose a development consortium next year for the 1,500-unit residential community envisioned alongside Hamilton's busy industrial port.

Therein lies the legal wrinkle: Why are lawyers with the Georgia Board of Pardon and Paroles not on the same page as the Georgia Constitution in regards to restoration (phục hồi) of rights to hold public office? The parole board says two years. The state constitution says 10. Pick a lane.

The Lopez lawsuit was followed by the civil complaint of eight Barug councilors to declare the nullity (vô hiệu hóa) of the Kawit project and stop the joint venture. No TRO has been issued for the Barug councilors and the signing of the joint venture agreement proceeded as if the legal wrinkle on it didn't exist or would disappear.

Ngọc Lân

Tags: ngoclanword

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