"Come down the pike" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Xu Haiwei on Unsplash

"Come down the pike" = từ trên đồi xuống -> nghĩa là xuất hiện, xảy ra, được mọi người biết đến.

Ví dụ
I am so tired of this hollow baloney about how they’re ‘saving babies,’ because the pushers of these bans (lệnh cấm) have opposed (phản đối) every truly pro-child, pro-family policy that’s come down the pike that would actually help families and actually reduce abortions (phá thai).

We would be foolish, Susskind admonishes (quở trách), to hope that the Musks of the metaspace will make the “’right’ decision with the power at their disposal,” especially since no one can know what new tech innovations might come down the pike. 

At the time, a lawyer representing (đại diện) Merkle Standard, Taudd Hume, said the proposed site was “the largest thing that has ever come down the pike for Pend Oreille County,” so much so that the decision to approve the firm’s permit demands (yêu cầu) a “no stone left unturned” approach.

“If it’s done right, it will be nothing but a huge catalyst (chất xúc tác) for growth,” said Hindley. “So, I am excited about what’s going to come down the pike from a regulatory perspective.”

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