"Toothless law" nghĩa là gì?

"Toothless law" = luật không răng -> nghĩa là bộ luật hay nguyên tắc không thể được thực thi theo cách có ý nghĩa.

Ví dụ
One speaker baselessly (vô căn cứ) railed (mắng mỏ) against Koreans in Japan as lazy (namaketeru), hinting that they are — as a class — inclined toward criminality. In 2016, the government adopted a mostly toothless law discouraging such hate speech.

Shockingly, the U.S. Senate may be on the verge of passing some kind of gun-safety law. Yes, I said it would never happen, and I might still be right. But if I’m wrong and it does get passed (thông qua), it would be a mostly toothless law. 

The question is whether to pass such a toothless law, which would nonetheless enrage (làm điên tiết) the gun lobby, or insist that we do better. There’s the argument that doing something — anything — would lead to more opportunities.

Ngọc Lân

Tags: ngoclanword

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