"Dorothy Dixer" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Elijah G on Unsplash

"Dorothy Dixer" -> nghĩa là các câu hỏi được chuẩn bị trước được người ủng hộ hỏi bộ trưởng trong phiên hỏi – đáp của Quốc hội.

Ví dụ
The spread of questions being asked to Labor ministers by their own side, known as a Dorothy Dixer question, is more even-handed than the spread of who is asking questions for the opposition (bên đối lập_. Analysing which ministers are being questioned reveals (cho thấy) a government’s policy and political priorities.

In reality, a large chunk of that time is eaten up with "Dorothy Dixer" questions, where government ministers get backbenchers (thành viên nghị viện Anh) from their own side to ask pre-arranged questions, allowing them to spruik (diễn thuyết) their own agenda.

Later, NDIS and Government Services Minister Bill Shorten savaged (chỉ trích) the Coalition over robodebt in response to a Dorothy Dixer from Adelaide MP Steve Georganas.

This is very welcome, following the disappearance (biến mất) of the dog Ruby recently. At risk of asking you a Dorothy Dixer, did you want to talk about the new animal facilities on the new vessels?

Ngọc Lân

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