"Funny tummy" nghĩa là gì?

"Funny tummy" = bụng dạ vui tính -> cách nói lịch sự khi bị đau bụng hay bị tào tháo đuổi. 

Ví dụ
For a parent, a child waking up to a stomach ache is not an uncommon (không phổ biến) occurrence – several times they are excuses (lấy cớ) to skip school. Sometimes these can be true too as children often struggle with a funny tummy and digestive distress – but sometimes the abdominal (bụng) cramps could be indicative of something going wrong.

He didn't have any symptoms (triệu chứng), but I tested him because his sister and I had it. Monday morning he woke up and said he had a funny tummy and ... by 9am the vomiting (nôn mửa) had begun. He never had a sore throat, cough or a temperature.

If you ask the average wellness influencer, there are very few things a gluten-free diet can’t cure. Be it a funny tummy after your Sunday morning croissant, persistently (dai dẳng) low energy levels or the ever vague 'inflammation', which everyone knows is bad, but no one really knows why.

Ngọc Lân

Tags: ngoclanword

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