"Durance vile" nghĩa là gì?

"Durance vile" có durance là ngồi tù -> từ này nghĩa là bản án tù dài. 

Ví dụ
“I am still there for him,” I assured her. “He is as good as freed from his durance vile.” “You are an angel,” said the countess (nữ bá tước). And so we left the matter. This morning, her brother rejoined her, released (by me) from debtor’s gaol. She was by all accounts delighted to see him.

Since political parties maintained bail funds for springing their incarcerated (bị tống giam) minions (người hầu) from durance vile, police took the extra precaution (cảnh giác) of charging stone-throwers with suspicion, making them ineligible (không đủ tiêu chuẩn) for bail until the morning.

His term of liberty was short lived, however, as he was captured in the Euclid Hotel, a block away from the jail, and returned to durance vile. Gunnen was sentenced on January 30 to four months for larceny (ăn cắp).

Eddie Mac was a third-rate plug ugly and a big-time con artist in Southie. After one stretch in durance vile, he had ghostwritten for him a moderately entertaining fiction masquerading as a memoir, “Street Soldier.”

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