"Resilience hub" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

"Resilience hub" = trung tâm phục hồi -> nghĩa là địa điểm (có điều hòa, nước, internet) trong thành phố cho người dân tránh thiên tai.

Ví dụ
Volunteers came together with Hui o Hau'ula to clear invasive species from a five-acre plot that is the future home of the Ko'olauloa Community Resilience Hub, which will replace the community center that's currently located in a flood and tsunami (sóng thần) zone.

A new strategy (chiến lược) to help communities better weather bad weather is coming to Western Washington. Resilience hubs, a combination of climate emergency shelters (nơi trú ẩn) and gathering spaces, serve a dual purpose: to let vulnerable people decide how and where they stay safe during disasters, and to provide space and resources as they build resilience in calmer times.

Baja tested four hubs in Baltimore, and eventually started writing white papers and guides on best practices around resilience hubs for the Urban Sustainability Directors Network, where she now serves as the director of direct support and innovation (đổi mới).

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