"Self-isolate" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Alina SYRO on Unsplash

"Self-isolate" -> nghĩa là tự cô lập, cách ly bản thân đề phòng mắc bệnh lây nhiễm. 

Ví dụ
He reportedly experienced mild (nhẹ) symptoms of the virus before testing positive. Newsom will work remotely (từ xa) and self-isolate based on the California Department of Public Health's current guidance.

By then, nearly a million people in England who had come into contact with an infected person had been told to self-isolate for a full fortnight (hai tuần), even if they had no symptoms.

In an exchange published by The Telegraph, Mr Case said the public needed to be told to self-isolate by “trusted local figures, not nationally distrusted figures like the PM, sadly”.

Maintaining respiratory hygiene practices are extremely important for limiting transmission and individuals should self-isolate whilst experiencing respiratory (hô hấp) symptoms.

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