Theonomous nghĩa là gì?

Theonomous có theo là chúa, nomos là luật -> từ này nghĩa là theo lý tưởng, chịu sự sai khiến của Chúa.

Ví dụ
Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias recently spoke on this topic, stating there are three primary (chủ yếu) cultures from which many others are derived: theonomous, heteronomous and autonomous.

March’s list contains 78 entries (13%) related to Christ, christening, Christianity, Christmas, or Jesus, plus a handful of other religious (tôn giáo) terms, such as nomen sacrum, theonomous, and non-Trinitarian; 63 entries involve birth or being born; and one entry combines Christianity and birth—born-again.

According to Tillich, there is an alternative (thay thế) to heteronomous (dị trị) culture and autonomous (tự trị) culture. He called it “theonomous culture.” For him, a theonomous culture is one in which there is a generally recognized divine or transcendent (lớn lao) source, center and foundation that makes the culture also a community (unity with diversity).

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