"Bacterial endocarditis" nghĩa là gì?

"Bacterial endocarditis" -> nghĩa là nhiễm khuẩn màng trong của tim do vi khuẩn hoặc vi nấm; viêm nội tâm mạc nhiễm khuẩn.

Ví dụ
In comparison to bacterial endocarditis, fungal endocarditis is more commonly associated with arterial embolization (tắc mạch), likely due to the larger size of vegetations (dinh dưỡng).

In general, diagnosis of fungal endocarditis can be challenging because its clinical manifestation (triệu chứng lâm sàng) can be similar to bacterial endocarditis.

Fungal endocarditis generally has a poorer prognosis (dự đoán) compared to bacterial endocarditis. Despite treatment, mortality rates of 10% to 75% have been reported, stressing the importance of early diagnosis and treatment. 

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