"Barber chair" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

"Barber chair" -> nghĩa là ghế chuyên dụng trong các quán cắt tóc, có tựa chân, có thể ngửa ra sau, chỉnh độ cao; nghĩa khác là phần gốc cây còn lại sau khi đốn. 

Ví dụ
With their timeless appeal, traditional barber chairs are a popular choice for those looking to create a classic barbershop atmosphere. They typically feature a sturdy frame, heavy-duty upholstery (vải bọc), and a hydraulic (thủy lực) lift system.

Reclining barber chairs offer greater adjustability and versatility (linh hoạt) for various services, such as shaves and facial treatments. They feature a backrest that reclines to different angles for maximum client comfort.

Hydraulic barber chairs use a hydraulic lift system to adjust the height and position of the chair, allowing for smoother and more precise adjustments. Non-hydraulic chairs typically use manual adjustment methods, such as levers or knobs, which may be less precise and more challenging to operate.

"I'm a fan of things with history, of things that tell a story," he said. "I've long thought of getting an old barber chair and cleaning it up and having it in my basement (căn hầm)."

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