"Exploratory committee" nghĩa là gì?

"Exploratory committee" = ủy ban thăm dò -> nghĩa là tổ chức được thành lập để xét xem liệu ứng cử viên có phù hợp cho một vị trí hay không.

Ví dụ
The exploratory committee will work with cross-sector partners to examine AI in local government across a range of issue areas, with a proposed process to.

This exploratory committee will help us maximize (mở rộng) opportunities and minimize (thu hẹp) risks as we leverage this technology to benefit our residents. I look forward to working with a wide range of partners to ensure (đảm bảo) that our approaches to deploying AI are responsible, well-informed, and sustainable for our workers and community members.

The exploratory committee will meet at NACo’s Annual Conference on July 22, with plans to meet both in person and virtually as work progresses (tiến bộ).

Presidential hopefuls don’t have to form exploratory committees, but many of them do. And almost all of those who do eventually (rồi sẽ) become official candidates. 

Ngọc Lân

Tags: ngoclanword

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