"Recess appointment" nghĩa là gì?

"Recess appointment" -> nghĩa là việc tổng thống bổ nhiệm các ứng cử viên nội các được phê chuẩn bởi Thượng viện giữa hai kỳ họp. 

Ví dụ
“Recess appointments are extremely rare, since it would mean the President taking away the U.S. Senate’s ability to weigh in and would fray (trở nên gay gắt) relations between the executive and legislative branches [further],” an official explained.

Barring the use of a rare Presidential privilege of a “recess appointment” on Monday, President Joseph Biden will have to now re-nominate Mr. Garcetti and restart the process for his confirmation (xác nhận), or abandon the effort and nominate (vinh danh) another more acceptable candidate (ứng viên) for the position, who will have to be confirmed by the Senate.

The court majority concluded recess appointments would be valid if those breaks lasted 10 days or more. The Constitution allows a president to fill temporary appointments during a recess, without congressional (quốc hội) approval. But more recently, lawmakers have sought to thwart certain appointments by never technically shutting down the Senate.

Ngọc Lân

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