"Stealth wealth" nghĩa là gì?

"Stealth wealth" -> nghĩa là giàu ngầm.

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But while some may associate (kết hợp) the concept (khái niệm) with fine tailoring (đồ may), a rejection of logomania (loạn lời), or cashmere sweaters from the Row that will set you back over $1000, there’s one quietly trending stealth wealth signifier that, technically, millions of people could adopt right now: stripping the case off your smartphone.

“Stealth wealth” is the name given to the clothes worn by the extremely rich – very fine wools (vải len) in navy or grey, oversized coats, tiny handbags, whites so bright they’re almost blue, a thousand shades of camel, a whole caravan of them, a palette that whispers “taste” with a little lisp.

Kendall’s cap, such as it is, has inspired (tạo nguồn cảm hứng) articles from The Wall Street Journal, New York magazine, and Town & Country identifying it as a symbol of a nascent (mới sinh) trend: stealth wealth or quiet luxury.

Their's is a world of stealth wealth. A trend that is having a moment thanks in part to Succession. The fashion choices are rarely in your face but everything is secretly, extremely expensive.

Ngọc Lân
Tags: ngoclanword

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