"Cabinet government" nghĩa là gì?

"Cabinet government" = chính phủ nội các -> nghĩa là chính phủ với quyền hành pháp thuộc về nội các gồm các bộ trưởng chịu trách nhiệm cá nhân và tập thể trước cơ quan lập pháp. 

Ví dụ
Thus, the three attributes (thuộc tính) of the cabinet government are collective responsibility, primus inter pares prime minister, and political homogeneity (đồng nhất).

The prevailing political compulsions during the National Front (1989), Chandrashekhar (1990), the United Front (1996 and 1997), the NDA (1998 and 1999) and the UPA (2004 and 2009) compromised the prime ministerial prerogative (đặc quyền) to form the cabinet, as also the three essential features of the cabinet government.  

Yet cabinet government not only survives, but it also thrives across much of the globe. For all the discontent (bất bình), few parliamentary democracies seem to be seriously considering alternatives to cabinet government.

What is the secret to a cabinet system of decision-making that is working well? In many ways it’s an open secret. Cabinet government offers a flexibility (linh hoạt) and resilience that more brittle, heavily ‘institutionalised’ systems struggle to match.

Ngọc Lân

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