
Photo courtesy Lee Haywood . 'Talk sb/sth up' nghĩa là nói để ủng hộ ai/cái gì (to discuss favorably: advocate, promote) . ...


The Rising Tide car wash in Parkland, Florida has 43 employees, 35 of them are on the autism spectrum (r ối loạn phổ tự kỷ) .


The New York Times profiles a couple who spend their lives pursuing their passion for blowing things up. Produced by: Colin Sonner an...


Fly alongside Allison Stokke as she takes you through her pole vault routine and hear why she agrees with the notion that pole vaulters a...


Rob Whitworth is pushing the boundaries of timelapse video with an amazing technique known as hyperlapse or as he prefers to call it, &#...


shared from Ha Vu Lua Pham . ----- Tại một đám cưới ở một làng mạn bắc bang Uttar Pradesh, Ấn Độ, hôm thứ Tư 11/3, cô dâu bỗng nhiên hỏ...


Hilary Clinton and John Kerry in Tanzania. Photo courtesy Pia Waugh . ' Freudian slip ' nghĩa là lời nói lỡ lời, mà được cho ...


Ferrari F12 Berlinetta - Téléthon Nogaro 2012. Photo courtesy Nicolas Serre . 'At full tilt" nghĩa là rất mau, hết tốc lực. ...